Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Live Review- Hollow Everdaze @ the Evelyn Hotel 21/7

My accomplice and I headed out on a Saturday night like any other to catch a band like no other.However one thing we didn't take into account is just how easily two country boys can get lost as fuck in the CBD.Arriving several hours later than we intended,we only caught the last 'song',if you want to call it that, by openers Ghost Vein.Their brand of ambient/noise art got pretty lost on me.At the same as it was captivating and interesting,it was confusing and all over the place.With a guitarist/synth player dressed like a jedi/Sunn0))) god and some guy screaming through an echo box,I really wasn't feeling it.
The crowd at the Evelyn begin to pick up as the next band up,Apes, went through the routine of soundcheck.If you haven't been to Evelyn,I can say it's a pretty decent venue.With a nice big band room and some funky couches round the edges,it's got the essentials covered.
Apes ripped into their brand of post punk and pub rock to the delight of a few dancers,but not alot jumped out me.They weren't doing anything wrong,but I didn't feel they were really breaking the mould, my suspicious accomplice even commenting 'that chord progression is exactly the same as one of mine-note for note'.As the night warmed up,their set followed suite,feeding off the crowd.Now I don't know track names,so I'm just using the lines that stood out there most here- 'I don't wanna see your face no more' was a higher point,and 'Hell Of A Time' had some great lead guitar work.Apes Finished on a high note,however they had remained in a territory already well covered.But at least everyone was having fun,and the most important thing right?
I really wasn't sure what to expect as Amanita set up.Two keyboards,no bass and 4 mellow looking dudes.Once they kicked into it,boy oh boy-My mind was blown.With a relaxed,strongly psychedelic vibe Amanita reminded me of some of the better Pink Floyd,and the surfey jams of Yawning Man.The members exercised a great control over their instruments I thought,and a great flow.The frontman had some really expressive guitar work going on,but it was in the background,in the hands of a second guitarist that I was really amazed.One hand playing was a bass line on the organ,whilst his fretting hand plucked away at the strings,creating some wonderful textures.And this lasted throughout the whole set.Definitely a recommended band,and I'm looking forward to hearing some recordings.
By this stage the band room was getting pretty packed awaiting Hollow Everdaze,and judging by the decline in the standard of my hand writing,a large amount of beer was clouding my vision.Having been on the low down recording an album, this was their first gig in too long, and the band transfers to the live stage just aswell as they do to the proverbial 'tape'.Hollow Everdaze create dreamy,psychedelic,sheo'gaze-ey textures with a myriad of echo's/various cool shit,aswell as some fantastic vocal harmonies.Mixed with this landscape of tripper tones, Hollow Everdaze have a wilder side that can really get a crowd moving.And boy oh boy did they move.'Still Raining' was a personal highlight,an amazing song that translated well off the record and 'There Was No Choice' proved a crowd favourite,who all joined in to celebrate Guitarist Dan's  birthday.Once the set wrapped up however,there was a unanimous demand for more,on which the band delivered.From here after is a tale not meant for the internet.
Having had a sneak peak of the album,and word of a couple extra releases planned,I have high hopes for this band and what the future holds for them.They proved that they are very together as a band,and some good stuff is coming out of it.
Get along to show and stay tuned for their self titled,which will hopefully be out in the not too distant future.


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