Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Short and sharp with King Of The North

Low Sound Desert-A tribute to stoner rock,looms this friday the 23rd at the Cherry Bar.I caught up with Higgsy from King Of The North,who will be headlining the event.

Tell us,who are King Of The North,and what do you do?
KOTN is a hard rock guitar/ drums duo that sounds like a 4-5 piece band. We play Riff based Rock n Roll
What are some the influences that have shaped King Of The North?
We are fans of Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Punk and Stoner but we never set out to sound like anybody. We do what we do within the limited framework we have to work with. The thing is, your limitations are really your strength.
What's been the highlight of playing so far?
Supporting Cold Chisel at Festival Hall in April would have to be up there. That was just massive! Playing Cherry Rock 2 weeks later seeing/ being on the same bill as Fu Manchu was quiet an honour too. For the band though it would be playing packed out E.P launches in Adl, Bendigo, The Evelyn and The Espy in July- Sept this year.
Being a two piece,what do you do to fill out that extra space,and keep things interesting?
Well sonically speaking KOTN is no different to a band with drums, 2 guitars and a bass. All the sonic landscape that those instruments take up is in the KOTN sound. It's peoples eyes that deceive them, when they see us live they see two dudes and hear a phat sound but don't realise what's really going on. Without giving it all away, it's all in the amp configurations and pedal set up there are no prerecorded loops or triggers everything is played live.

What have you got in store for Low sound Melbourne?
Well being a big fan of Stoner Rock, I'm swapping my usual JMP rock sound for my Big Muff and we'll be playing some classic fuzzed out Stoner Rock! We have a two other awesome acts in My Left Boot and Battle Axe Howlers who will be stonering up a storm! Plus with DJ Big Muff (this might be me) spinning killer Stoner Rock in between the bands... we're pretty happy with the night we've put together! It will be all time!

Cherry Bar,this Friday,23rd
$15 entry
kick off at 8
Come generate some mondo

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