Sunday, September 30, 2012

Album Of The Week- The Powder Monkeys,Time Wounds All Heels

Joe Matera of Australian guitar magazine called this album 'criminally under rated'.That's a nice place to start,but that still doesn't quite go far enough.

Forming from the splinters of legendary Geelong punk band Bored! ,The Powder Monkeys were a band let down by the business side of music,screwed over by Mr 10%. Their second album, Time Wounds All Heels is a killer piece of music that fell through the cracks of success,and yet is still renowned as one of the best Australian rock albums of its time.One only needs to look at the walls of the Tote to know that the reputation of this band remains to this day.
Right from the opening beat of 'In The Doldrums' to the finishing moments of '2000 Sins', Time Wounds is a thunderous,hair raising image of a band that belonged on the stage. Timmy Jack Ray's drumming just doesn't stop- every half a second there's a snare fill,or a great big tom roll that sets a blistering pace. The crunchy riffs of John Nolan are matched by brilliant lead work,and growl of front man Tim Hemmensly's bass is echoed in his gutteral,snarling vocals,forever preaching his cause.
This album was not recorded by a hot shot producer in L.A,with an un-limited label budget for rock'n'roll excesses.Far from it,this was recorded in the heart of the institute for old people and cowboys,the ABC studios in Melbourne,produced by Chris Thompson.The results are jaw dropping.Big drums,thick bass and killer guitar sounds.The list of people who have used a Les Paul and Marshall Plexi is endless,but none of them can top the guitar sounds on this album.A prime example of a producer bringing that extra ingredient to a band,to make this album sound phenomenal.
Unfortunately, the Powder Monkeys coincided with a heroin epidemic that gripped the Melbourne arts community,and tragically, Tim Hemmensly died of a heroin overdose in 2003.
A powerful album that's definitely one of my most recommended,regardless of musical taste.You might be hard pressed to find a copy, but you could probably find a download on the internet downloading hurts record labels.Should you find a CD,skim through the liner notes for 'Simon Hawkins-Roadie Extraordinaire'.Such was the financial struggle of the band that his copy doesn't have a sleeve,although I'm assured it's on there.
And if you still aren't convinced that this really is the best thing since sliced bread:
Straight Until Morning
Wasn't Born Yesterday
2,000 Sins

Support drummer Timmy Jack Ray's current band 'The Roobs'

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mile stone

My little view counter is just about to click over to 1000,so I'll take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who has been reading,and I hope you've found some cool new music.After all,that's the reason I run this.And thank you to everyone who has passed this on, and shared it around.
Feel free to make use of the comments system if you feel you have something to say,and don't forget you can find this blog mirrored here > <
Time permitting,I've got alot to bring you this week.
Anyone tuned in enough will know that there have been 2 big releases in stoner rock this past week,with the return of Wtchcraft and their new album Legend,and long awaited release of Colour Haze's She Said.I'll do a double review of those two.
I also have an interview with a local metal head in the works.
To top this post off,here's the preview track from the The Sword's upcoming album.
Album of the week will be up later tonight.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Album Of The Week- Black Cobra,Invernal

One for the absolute metal heads and sinners.
San Francisco duo,Black Cobra,play heavy thrash metal,through and through.With former Acid King bassist Rafael Martinez pounding the skins and Jason Landrian playing guitar, the pair are phenomenally heavy for just two members.Landrian approaches the challenge of filling out space in an intriguing way,taking a standard tuned guitar,and dropping the top string down to A,creating a doubling up an octave apart-brutal-guitarists,give it a try,its pretty fun.
The bands latest,Invernal,is a much more polished record than their earlier material,straying away from the hardcore punk/metal origins, and heading toward the more textured Stoner/Thrash metal of bands like the Sword and High On Fire.Palm muted chugs, and revolving tom fills and thrashing vocals,the band do occasionally tone down from all out brutality into deep voids.
Caught the pair at Cherry rock a few months ago.God dam they were loud,with a couple fullstacks, some bass amps and impressively, a single kick rather than a wanky double kick.Couldn't hear a word of vocals though.Oh well,enjoy some Stoner/Thrash/Doom metal
The Crimson Blade:

Not to forget the wicked cool album art by a favourite of mine,Arik Roper.
Metal heads stay tuned,I'm setting up another interview,this time in drop-Z.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Live Review- Earth @ The Corner Hotel

On a rainy Sunday night in Richmond,Seattle Drone legends Earth were set to play the final leg of their first ever  Australian tour. As I entered the venue,it was clear that this was a gig for the outcasts and diehards,also known as musicians.Opening up the night were local band 'The Margins'.Never heard of em either.Curiously,all the members of the band opted to sit down.for the duration of the set.Effect laden and experimental,The Margins played a set filled with textural voids and some strange rhythmic patterns.I even picked up on a gear junkie bassist playing with a slide.Interesting,and certainly a fairly intimate performance,but I wasn't blown away.
Next up was a girl by the name of Bonnie Mercer.Now a lot of soloists don't do much for me,and I really wasn't sure what to expect.Bonnie took to the stage and instead of chords and melodies,she unleashed the doom,all on her own.With biting feedback,and gutteral growls,I simply do not understand how that girl got so much low end out of one little guitar!
Playing one 20 minute instrumental drone piece,reminiscent of a scaled down Sunn 0))),Bonnie Mercer had a fast filling band room captivated perfectly,using only drones and noise.Good stuff.
However, no one was in any doubt that the huge crowd assembled was here for one thing and one thing only.To catch the inventors of drone,and in my opinion,one of the most continuously ground breaking bands going around. Earth are a strange part of the Seattle explosion,whom I have covered here, and never before in their 21 years of defying any kind of norm have they visited our shores.The band took to the stage to a huge roar from an attentive band room,all so excited they could hardly speak. Frontman Dylan Carlson has clearly taken a hard road in the business,evidenced in a man aged beyond his years. He and his partner,drummer Adrienne Davies were joined by a mysterious man on bass,whom I believe is relatively new to the band.Much like a UFO flying overhead,Earth were a captivating rarity from another place.In between sets, no one uttered a word.You could hear a pin drop through out the entire venue,as Earth played through an intimate set that spanned their entire career.Given the varied nature of their discography, and the 're-birth' if you like around 2006,one wouldn't have expected the mixed bag of Earth tunes played through the night.Everything from a long,drawn out,dis jointed version of 'The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull',to the the repetitive,yet purely thoroughly evil 'Ouroboros Is Broken',and the strangely tuned 'Tallahassee',played in a very different manner. The band had some new arrangements of old favourites, some medleys of previous tracks (brilliantly transitioned I might add) as well as some new material,a track titled 'Badger'.
Earth,in this 3 piece incarnation were much grittier, and dirtier than the recent studio recordings,and I felt having at least one of the many instruments included on the studio recordings could have added a lot.Some Piano,or Cello to add some character to the drone,but I guess Australian tours are not the most convenient to do.Seeing Adrienne Davies method of drumming live has put much of her studio work into perspective.She plays with an exact timing,bringing her arms up and around,much like a conductor leading an orchestra,and landing with exact precision and dynamic variation,which counter balances the continuous drone of the guitar.I particularly liked Dylan Carlson's introduction to 'Old Black': "some say it's about a guitar,but we all know it's actually about a cat".10 minute drone song about a cat-right on.
After playing a lengthy set,the band were more than happy to oblige the cries for an encore,whipping out another 20 minutes of medley/down tune freak out jam to end a set with class and dignity.
With new material,and the promise of a return visit within another 21 years,hopefully next year,the Sunn is shining brightly on Earth as an Australian favorite.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Album Of The Week- The Saints,Eternally Yours

Australia's answer to the Ramones,but with a whole lot of shtick and cool ideas 
1978.Buzz saw guitars,2 minute songs and preachers of punk are viewed as dangerous radicals at the edge of society.The Saints emerged from Brisbane in the mid 70's as a rebellious menace,finding little traction with Australian society.Their cult debut release saw them find commercial success in the U.K,as punk became the hip thing for labels to sell. The Saints soon became part of a commercialization of the underground,much to their disgust.And so their second release Eternally Yours was a complete rejection of what they were told to do.
The raw edgy guitars are still there,and pounding rhythm section still thunders,but the record opens with a ripper brass section,makes good use of acoustic guitar and even features harmonica and organ.Chris Bailey is a man with something to say,and doesn't get sucked into any kind of gimmick.Whilst some bands were advocating 'fuck the system',here's what Chris Bailey had to say on the second track,lost and found:
'They say you gotta respect the system
But there ain't no respect in that system for me'
Right on brother.
The other half of the creative team,guitarist Ed Kuepper is a down right legendary guitarist, fusing ripper punk riffs with some brilliant lead guitar.
A very approachable band for alot of listeners.
Know Your Product:
Lost And Found:
This Perfect Day,Live:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Review- King Gizzard & Lizard Wizard @ The Nash

As I stepped into the Nash,it didn't take long to work out that I was in for a good night of rock'n'roll,with plenty of like minded crew gathering round the band room door.
First up were the Kremlings.I've heard all about these lads from various people,but often bands that get hyped like this turn out to be a let down. Not the Kremlings.They play legitimate punk with a serious attitude.This band was every bit as good as I had been told and more.From the minute the front man started throwing talcum powder every where,he was flying for the rest of the set.I've got no idea what the fuck he said the whole time,but whatever he said,he did it well.Sometimes you go the Nash and you wonder, 'how did that thing get so fucked up?' or 'when did that get broken'.The answer- It was probably the Kremlings.Being the first band on,the crowd wasn't fully prepared for complete anarchy,but who gives a shit.These guys seem like they give every gig 110%, and it's great.
Get their free E.P in the links at the bottom and then go see them.Don't be afraid to get right up close either,they don't bite,but you might get messy.
After the intensity of the Kremlings, the up beat ,mid tempo garage R'n'B of the Murlocs looked like nice boys playing nice music.But as soon as the Nash started swinging, The Murlocs took complete control and really began to boogie.Having recently sold out the Tote, The Murlocs proved a hit,belting out their two E.P's in order.Pounding the skins with some serious shuffle and tempo,Matt Blach created a solid rhythm for the more furious blues freak outs, whilst guitars wailed and Ambrose howled and harped, The Murlocs swung and grooved the night away.My only criticism was the bass.Yeah it I could hear it,but it lacked that real belting depth that creates a fuller sound.But maybe I'm just being too much of a bassist and not enough of a drunk punter.He was having fun anyway,so it makes no difference.
With the band room packed out, Melbourne surf garage band King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard (who I'm sure you've heard all about by now) took over every inch of stage that they could.I call them a band,but really they're more like a fucked up party.A wild,wild out of control jam party.Right down to the guy smoking a casual J and getting freakey with a theremin, and the drum kit thrust from the usual relegation at the back of the stage to the front and center. Howling through a brand new album King Gizzard have got filthy down to an art,perhaps to their detriment at times.Staying that wild and spontaneous show after show has obviously taught the band a thing or two as they work together like a really feral sports team.Standing right at the front means you WILL cop a gizzard to the face,or as the case was,a harp mic to the head,or a Stu to front as he rolled around the rafters.The new material fit in seamlessly alongside old favourites,with a cover of a Jay Retard song (can't remember the name) to seal the set.
As I stepped and staggered out of the Nash into the streets of Geelong, a town full dolled up phonies, I realised how great a place like the Nash is.Where anyone can go along and do whatever they like without having some big dancing oaf forced upon them,or copping the sides of a bogan brawl.All whilst supporting some great bands doing what they love.

The Kremlings
The Murlocs
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Monday, September 3, 2012

Stream the new King Gizzard Album- 12 Bar Bruise

Melbourne psych/surf/garage group King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard are putting out their debut album 12 Bar Bruise this Friday,and have today begun streaming it online here:

Get your filthy ears around this festy nugget of music,and get yourselves to the Nash this Saturday to catch them in the flesh

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Album Of The Week- Earth,The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull

Earth's The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull is amongst my favorites.Earth approach drone/doom music in a completely different,clean,mellow way,creating folk? jazz? it's somewhere in there.
First of all some background.Who the hell are Earth?
Earth were a curious part of the Seattle grunge scene of the early 1990's. Frontman Dylan Carlson is infamous for being the guy who gave his good friend Kurt Cobain a shot gun.That's gotta be rough.
The Earth of old played a major role in creating Drone/Doom metal,helping to inspire Ambient doom legends  Sunn 0))).Fast forward through some 10 years of drug addictions,line up changes,legal battles and health problems,and Earth re-emerged with something new and beautiful.The music is still slow, repetitive,minimalistic and droning,but gone is the metal element.Clean guitars,piano,organ and drums so slow it's hard to tell what's going on.
The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull is the second installment in 'new' Earth,and undoubtedly a high point for the band.Everything has a sense of airiness, and the instruments have a huge element of space to them. The band fits so much expression into so few notes,it really astounds me. They still play drone/doom,but its from another world.The ultimate mellow music.
Higly recommended to everyone.
The front cover is by Arik Roper,a wonderful artist whose work graces the covers of many a heavy album.I recommend you look into him.
Miami Morning Coming Down II (Shine)-A beautiful piece of music
Engine Of Ruin
The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull- The most relaxed piece of psychedelic drone you've never heard

Earth make their maiden voyage to Australia this month,playing the Toff In Town Wednesday the 12th and the Corner Hotel Sunday the 16th.Needless to say,I'll do a review from front and fucking center.