Sunday, August 26, 2012

Album Of The Week- Monster Magnet,Dopes To Infinity

Whilst undoubtedly a major departure from the Hawkwind worship of the doped up space lords,Monster Magnet,Dopes To Infinity is a more approachable gateway into heavy riffs and psychedelic sounds for those new to stoner rock.
Dopes To Infinity has a much more 'song' oriented approach than the strung out,space jams of previous Monster Magnet records,and proved to be the key to success for the band. The heavy riffs are (for the most part) retained,and the weird and wonderful sounds still bounce from speaker to speaker,however this record brought much more focus into more approachable song structures and more meaningful lyrical content,most likely in the wave that followed the Seattle explosion. Gone are the 32 minute drone riffs and the vocals so washed in delays and phaser that words are indistinguishable, and in it's place are some profound messages and solid riffing. The album is cleverly sewn together, allowing songs to be broken up into chunks,whilst still maintaining a cohesive piece that stoners dig.I wish I could say I saw these Lords Of Light,live in full glory,but unfortunately Dave Wyndorf (frontman) is essentially a show piece in the Monster Magnet of today,also known as the lazy old man experience.
Recommended for grungers looking for something a little more,or those lose looking to venture into stoner rock.Yes,there was something going on outside Seattle in the 90's.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Third Alternative: Some dope heavy guitar going on here

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