Sunday, August 19, 2012

Album Of The Week-Earthless,Rhythms From A Cosmic Sky

Are you looking at the Meredith line-up and saying to yourself,'who the hell is Earthless?'
Then look no further,for Earthless are the bomb
If I had to sum up San Diego three piece Earthless in one line,I would quote a very drunk Cory Balloch on the topic of what guitarists do-'they just go man'.Rhythms From A Cosmic Sky takes the crazy acid jams of  late 60's and early 70's and ramps it up a notch,with each track going for 20 minutes,and I get the feeling they would go longer if you could fit that much music onto one side of a 12" LP.How many 12 year old kids say they want to be a rock star,or a professional skater? Well,drummer Mario Rubalcaba is both-pretty fucking boss hey?
The real chops in the group lay in guitarist Isaiah Mitchell.I'm fairly convinced he has something super human about him.He can noodle away at an epic guitar solo the entire time,and yet every lick is just as tasty as the last,without going overboard into flashy shred territory.
Highly recommended for fans of Hendrix,Cream,Zeppelin,Wolfmother,etc.
Touring nationally in December.
As the album is only 3 tracks,I'll put them all up here
Godspeed-The bees fucking knees
Sonic Prayer
Cherry Red-Bonus track,a cover,and the only Earthless track to feature vocals

Smalltownextra: I've been lacking in the reviews/interviews lately,but I have a Bloody Ripper of an interview lined up
Stay tuned

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